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Is It Safe to Live In a Metal Building?
They’re Strong
It should come as no surprise that steel frame buildings are incredibly strong. After all, steel is the material used to erect almost every major world structure from the Empire State Building to the Eiffel Tower, and neither of these structures have toppled due to a strong breeze. Steel has the obvious advantage over wood in the construction of strong residences with the added bonus of needing no load-bearing walls within the structure. That’s right! Steel is so strong that your steel frame home can be as open as your want without compromising the building’s wind load, snow load, etc. Here at Broadshield, we use steel and red iron castings in the construction of our metal buildings and barndominiums and ensure the highest quality materials.
They’re Durable
The traditional wooden structure is durable, yes, but it also falls prey to destructive pests, such as termites, and other destructive forces, such as intrusive moisture that causes wood rot and mold. A metal building, on the other hand, keeps exterior forces outdoors while protecting everything and everyone within. The high quality steel we use here at Broadshield is covered with rust protectant, so your barndominium is sure to last for decades to come with minimal maintenance needed.
They’re Not Wood
There are actually a few safety features of a metal building that a traditional wooden structure doesn’t have. For one thing, lightning strikes are no more common in a metal structure than in a wooden one, but if it were to happen, the energy would simply travel over the metal exterior and into the ground. When lightning strikes a wooden structure, on the other hand, the energy doesn’t have anywhere to go because the wood is not conductive, resulting in explosions and fire hazards. Besides being more resistant to lightning, metal buildings are also less likely to catch on fire than a wooden structure.
If you’re ready to start designing your own barndominium, get in touch with the metal building experts at Broadshield. Not only can we handle the construction of your new home from site selection through construction completion, but we can also help you build a barn and a fence for your property. Learn about our design process here. You can trust our team; we have more than 30 years of experience in the construction industry. Get in touch today.